Company information


Tampere Camping Härmälä

Leirintäkatu 8, 33900 Tampere
Puh./Tel.+38(0)300 870 873 (0,45 €/min + local/min)

Härmälä Camping website

Yyteri Resort & Camping

Yyterinsantojentie 1, 28840 Pori
Puh./Tel. +358 (0)300 870 876 (0,45 €/min + local/min)

Yyteri Resort & Camping website

Rauhalahti Holiday Center

Rauhankatu 3, 70700 Kuopio
Puh./Tel.+358 (0)300 870 875 (0,45 €/min + local/min)

Rauhalahti Holiday Center website

Kokkola Camping Meripuisto

Vanhansatamanlahdentie 20
Puh./Tel. +358 (0)44 778 0792

Kokkola Camping Meripuiston sivulle

Suomi Camping Oy, office

Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B, 00530 Helsinki

Puh./Tel. 020 719 9779 

business ID 2332771-9


Suomi Camping Oy has made a commitment to the principles of sustainable travel. Sustainable tourism refers to tourism that takes the current and future financial, social, and environmental impact into account. Sustainable tourism accounts equally for the needs of tourists, tourism enterprises, tourist destinations, environment, and the local people. In practice, we put the principles of sustainable tourism into action through EcoCompass and the Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) development path of Visit Finland.

We have been granted an EcoCompassCertificate in December 2022

This means that we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our operations, and have created an environmental program for our company. With the help of the program, we monitor the achievement of our goals and the implementation of the planned measures. You can learn more about the EkoCompass environmental system here.

In the first three years, we will focus especially

  • To develop our operations more energy efficient (electricity and water consumption)
  • To improve recycling and reducing waste
  • To communicate and guide our employees, customers and partners, how we can together, with small actions, influence the consumption of water and electricity used and the amount of waste generated.

The EkoCompass certificate is valid for 3 years at time, after which there is a re-audit.

Our Joint Environmental Promise

The reduction of environmental impact is our objective.
The future of our customers, our personnel, and nature is important to us. This is why we have made a commitment to sustainable development and persistent, long-term work in order to reduce environmental impact by, for example, improving the efficiency of energy consumption, reducing waste, and increasing environmental awareness among our personnel and customers. Environmental work is an element of our responsible business activities, which also include financial and social responsibility.



Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) – kestävän matkailun kehittämispolku

Ekokompassin rinnalla olemme sitoutuneet Visit Finlandin Sustainable Travel Finland -ohjelman kestävän matkailun periaatteisiin, jonka ansiosta meille on myönnetty STF-merkki huhtikuussa 2023. Kestävä matkailu sisältää niin sosio-kulttuurisen, taloudellisen kuin ekologisenkin ulottuvuuden. Konkreettisia kehityskohteita ovat mm. energian käytön ja jätemäärän vähentäminen, henkilökunnan ja asiakkaiden tasa-arvoinen kohtelu ja paikallisten asukkaiden ja asiakkaiden kuuleminen, toiminnan pitkäjänteinen ja kannattava suunnittelu sekä paikallisten työllistäminen.

Invoicing addresses of Suomi Camping Oy (Business ID 2332771-9) 

We hope you send your invoices primarily as e-invoices. 

Our e-invoice addresses are:

Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487)

E-invoice address 003723327719

EDI (Electronical Data Interchange) 003723327719

Please note that when sending e-invoices to our Apix address from Danske Bank Oyj, Handelsbanken, Paikallisosuuspankit or Säästöpankit you must send e-invoices to following address: e-invoice address: 003723327487 and operator code: DABAFIHH.

If you are not able to send e-invoices, we ask you to send invoices to the purchase invoice scanning service.

The address for email scanning:

The actual invoice must be in the email as a PDF attachment. One email must only contain one invoice. If email has other attachments they are included as attachments for the invoice. Maximum file size for email attachments is 2 MB. After the email is processed service will produce an automated acceptance or error reply email within 15 minutes.

If the invoice is addressed to a location, this information must be added to, for example, the customer's reference or additional information  

Työmatkalaisille tarjoamme ympäri vuoden majoitusta Yyteri Resort & Campingissa Porissa, Kokkolan Camping Meripuistossa, Kuopion Rauhalahdessa ja kesäaikaan myös Tampereella Camping Härmälässä. 

We will need the following information for issuing a billing authorization:  

Official name of the company 
Business identity code 
Contact person
Contact phone number
Contact email address 

E-invoicing (primary billing channel) 

E-invoicing operator
E-invoice address
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) 

Email invoices Email address 


For example, the customer's reference to the invoice 

Please send all information by email to the destination you are going to be staying at:

Yyteri Resort & Camping 

Rauhalahti Holiday Center 

Tampere Camping Härmälä 

Kokkola Camping Meripuisto

Saatuamme laskutussopimuksen tarkistamme yrityksen tiedot. Pääsääntöisesti, jos yrityksellä ei ole luottohäiriömerkintöjä, on yrityksenne tervetullut laskutusasiakkaaksemme. Laskutus tapahtuu viikoittain, laskutuslisä on 15 €. Muut kuin majoituspalvelut (esim. sauna- tai ravintolapalvelut) maksetaan kohteessa, ellei näiden laskutuksesta erikseen sovita. Jälkilaskutus mahdollista vain yrityksille, joiden kotipaikka on Suomessa. Yksityisasiakkaita emme laskuta.